
  1. VIDEO What Ever Happened To Acid Rain?

  2. VIDEO What Ever Happened To The Hole In The Ozone Layer?

  3. VIDEO Radioactivity In Our Ocean: Fukushima & Its Impact On The Pacific

  4. VIDEO Light Your Water On Fire from Gas Drilling, Fracking

  5. VIDEO The stink goes on!

    Take a step back in time, to London in 1858, a time when Death stalked the Thames... Did you know November 19 was World Toilet Day? This spooky new animation highlights the global crisis in sanitation and water. Watch the film then head over to Link Removed due to 404 Error to tell the G8 to END...
  6. H

    Windows 7 Sell cell phones to make Good Profits

    If you have some handsets lying unused at your home then it is much better to sell them at a top dollar price rather than throwing them in dustbin to decompose in open and pollute the environment. It is estimated that decaying handsets create around seventy thousand toxic waste every year...
  7. VIDEO Environmental fears over cruise ship wreck

  8. VIDEO Updates on Fukushima Fairewinds Associates - Arnie Gundersen - August 21, 2011

    "Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds' April analysis that the nuclear core at Fukushima Daiichi turned on and off after TEPCO claimed its reactors had been shutdown. This periodic nuclear chain reaction (inadvertent...
  9. Heavy rain may cause toxic water to overflow outside Fukushima plant

    TOKYO — Tokyo Electric Power Co said Friday radioactive water accumulated at its crippled nuclear power plant may overflow to the outside if heavy rain falls by June 15, fanning fears that radiation could further pollute the ocean and soil. The plant operator plans to start activating new...
  10. Is Fukushima now ten Chernobyls into the sea?

    New readings show levels of radioisotopes found up to 30 kilometers offshore from the on-going crisis at Fukushima are ten times higher than those measured in the Baltic and Black Seas during Chernobyl. "When it comes to the oceans, says Ken Buesseler, a chemical oceonographer at the Woods...
  11. Poisoning Mother Earth: America's Gulf and Fukushima

    As best we know it, the shocking truth is that preventable disasters keep proliferating life destroying contamination globally. Yet news about them is suppressed, so few people everywhere are unaware how calamitously they're being harmed. As a result, distinguished environmental researcher...
  12. VIDEO Fukushima Groundwater MASSIVELY Contaminated

  13. Fukushima :Radioactive Readings Jump In Japan's Seabed !

    Levels of radioactive substances have jumped in the Pacific seabed off Japan to as much as 1,000 times the normal readings, authorities have announced. Seabed samples collected near the Fukushima nuclear power plant, crippled by a massive earthquake and tsunami in March, contained radioactive...
  14. Fukushima parents dish the dirt in protest over radiation levels

    Furious parents in Fukushima have delivered a bag of radioactive playground earth to education officials in protest at moves to weaken nuclear safety standards in schools. Children can now be exposed to 20 times more radiation than was previously permissible. The new regulations have prompted...
  15. High-Level Radiation Detected in Fukushima Sewage Sludge

    Fukushima, May 1 (Jiji Press)--High levels of radioactive cesium have been found in sewage sludge in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, the prefectural government said Sunday. The sludge at a treatment center in Koriyama had 26,400 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram. Slag...
  16. Highly-toxic plutonium surfaces at Fukushima nuke plant

    TOKYO: Highly-toxic plutonium has been found in soil in five separate locations at the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in northeast Japan, the facility's operator said Tuesday, which has caused global concern about the growing severity of the crisis at the leaking plant. Owner and...
  17. Get ready to be dumped on again !

    TEPCO has been pouring water into the reactor vessels containing the rods since the disaster to cool them as an emergency measure. [ID:nL3E7FI0C7] In a further step towards a cold shutdown, TEPCO is filling the containment vessel -- an outer shell of steel and concrete that houses the reactor...
  18. Calculation Mistake = So what about all the low level radioactive Water ?

    So now the Japanese have told us they made a mistake in calculating the actual amount of radioactivity being spewed out into the enviroment . So when they dumped all that , low level radioactive water into the, Pacific are they sure it was low level ? If they can make a mistake once I am sure...
  19. Radioactive release from Fukushima at 154 trillion Becquerels

    Japan admits daily radioactive release from Fukushima at 154 trillion Becquerels, many times higher than previously announced — Nuclear commission blames calculation error Link Removed - Invalid URL
  20. How much will you pay for clean water soon ?

    I just noticed the above comment and put it into the title of this post . So with all the crap, the massive pollution developing around the globe. How much will you be paying for clean water shortly down the line. Once your own water supplies are to contaminated to drink ,without measures to...