portable pc

  1. Fujitsu F-07C is a Windows 7 PC and a smartphone

    As Intel works to make the Atom suitable as a smartphone chip over the coming years, Fujitsu has gone and stuck one of the existing Atoms inside a phone as a second processor. The reason? To allow it to double as a portable Windows PC. The phone was originally unveiled earlier this month, but...
  2. Install Windows 7 with a USB Memory Key

    Supersite </br/> I've been looking at my various desktop and portable PCs and have begun the process of wiping them out and reinstalling a fresh copy of Windows 7 with SP1. There are different ways to do this, but lately I've opted out of the Setup DVD and have instead been using a USB memory...
  3. G

    Windows 7 so. lan problems

    PC -A: regular pc, win 7, direct connection with cable to wireless router, from router to internet modem and so on.. PC -B:portable pc, acer, win 7, wireless connection to router. both PCs have internet connection working, and PC-a can ping PC-b. on the other hand, PCb cannot ping A and i...