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    Windows 7 Monitor Drivers and Screen Resoution

    When I first installed Windows 7 Build 7100 had available screen resolution 1600 X 1200 on my Planar 2010M DVI with GEForce 6800 GS. Somewhere along the way max became 1024 X 768, not sure if broken by nvidia upgrade or Windows Update. The monitor is listed as the Generic digital non PNP...
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    Windows 7 Dual monitor screen corruption

    I currently have W7 RC in dual boot with XPSP2. My system runs a Geforce 7900GTX (with latest drivers) into two identical Viewsonic VP930 monitors, spanning the desktop with no problems. I have previously dual booted XPSP2 on this sytem with ubuntu and found that ubuntu would handle a spanned...