project rome

  1. News

    Windows Template Studio 1.2 released!

    We’re extremely excited to announce the Windows Template Studio 1.2. What makes this release even more special is we’ve been accepted into the .NET Foundation! We are thrilled to be accepted in. In this release, our major new feature is adding content into an existing application with...
  2. News

    Project Rome: Driving user engagement across devices, apps and platforms

    Overview Recently there has been a dramatic shift in the way users use their devices. Rather than substituting new devices, users are using additional form factors like phones and tablets, alongside their PCs; many consumers live in a heterogeneous environment (interact with multiple...
  3. News

    Project Rome for Android Update: Now with App Services Support

    Link Removed Project Rome developers have had a month to play with Project Rome for Android SDK (Android SDK), and we hope you are as excited about its capabilities as we are! In this month’s release, we are thrilled to bring you support for app services. Before, we offered the ability to...
  4. News

    Windows Developer Day – Creators Update

    Back in October, Satya, Terry and Panos introduced the Windows 10 Creators Update. They showed some of the new features and announced some amazing new additions to our Surface family of devices. Since then, my team has been working to complete the platform work for the Creators Update to deliver...
  5. News

    Announcing Project Rome Android SDK

    Project Rome Overview Project Rome is a platform for creating experiences that transcend a single device and driving up user engagement – empowering a developer to create human-centric scenarios that move with the user and blur the lines between their devices regardless of form factor or...
  6. News

    UWP Experiences – App Samples

    The UWP App Experiences are beautiful, cross-device, feature-rich and functional app samples built to demonstrate realistic app scenarios on the UWP platform across PC, Tablet, Xbox and more. Besides being open source on GitHub, each sample is accompanied by at least one blog post and short...
  7. News

    Getting personal – speech and inking (App Dev on Xbox series)

    The way users interact with apps on different devices has gotten much more personal lately, thanks to a variety of new Natural User Interface features in the Universal Windows Platform. These UWP patterns and APIs are available for developers to easily bring in capabilities for their apps that...
  8. News

    Going social: Project Rome, Maps & social network integration (App Dev on Xbox series)

    The Universal Windows Platform is filled with powerful and unique capabilities that allow the creation of some remarkable experiences on any device form factor. This week we are looking at an experience that builds on top of the Adventure Works sample we released last week by adding a social...
  9. News

    Cross-device experience with Project Rome

    Overview Today we live in a multi-device world, and the way we use them spans different platforms and form factors: We read the morning news on our tablets, check email during the morning commute on our phones and at work on our desktop PCs. And at night, we watch movies on our home media...