
  1. VIDEO We Reached The Next Mind Blowing Era of Ion Engine Propulsion

  2. VIDEO JetBoots hands-free propulsion military diver special forces units Patriot3

  3. Want to save fuel? Fly a kite, German inventor says

    The blue-hulled vessel would slip by unnoticed on most seas if not for the white kite, high above her prow, towing her to what its creators hope will be a bright, wind-efficient future. Link Removed - Invalid URL Close-up of a SkySails towing kite as it propels the cargo ship MV...
  4. Was There a Natural Nuclear Blast on Mars? Ever wonder why the red planet is red?

    Link Removed Ever wonder why the red planet is red? About 180 million years ago, a planet-shattering yet naturally occurring nuclear reaction may have wiped out everything on Mars, sending a shockwave that turned the planet into dry sand. Even more incredible: A natural nuclear...