
  1. Japan's fishermen struggle to stay afloat amid fish bans, radiated water releases

    The discovery of fish carrying high levels of radioactive materials off the Pacific Coast is stoking concerns about the viability of Japan's seafood industry. Link Removed Fishermen unload their catch at the Hirakata fish market in Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan, south of the stricken...
  2. Leaked Study from Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Fukushima Far from Over

    Link Removed Evaluation of the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima Nuclear Facility. The document paints a grim picture of evolving threats to the afflicted facility. • mounting stresses placed on the containment structures as they fill with radioactive cooling water, making them more vulnerable to...
  3. VIDEO Radioactive Fish Caught 50 Miles Off Japanese Coast

    "What was that the FDA was saying?"
  4. Japanese nuclear engineers plug Fukushima leak

    Engineers battling to contain the crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant appeared to have turned an important corner last night after they stopped highly radioactive water from leaking into the ocean from one of the facility's crippled reactors. Workers struggling to halt the leaks...
  5. VIDEO Japan - Radioactive Fish Safe To Eat | Russian Roulette A Safe Game as Well !

    Nobody is sure what the effects of all the radiation pouring into the Pacific are. Yet we are told radiated fish are safe to eat !
  6. Japanese Fish Dangerously Contaminated By Fukushima

    With measurements of iodine 131 and the much worse cesium 134 isotopes detected at 7.5 and two million times past their “regulated levels” and contaminated water pouring into the Pacific Ocean, this was inevitable: the fish are contaminated too. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reports that...
  7. Sawdust and Radioactive Water Dumps: The Increasingly Desperate Options at Fukushima

    Sawdust. It's not the first thing most people would choose to put between themselves and highly contaminated radioactive water. But a mixture of sawdust — ogakuzu in Japanese — with chemicals and shredded newspaper is precisely what nuclear safety authorities and power plant officials turned to...
  8. No immediate threat to humans | That comes later !

    The operator of the crippled Fukushima complex begins releasing 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific to make room in storage tanks for even more highly contaminated water. The government says the release does not pose an immediate threat to humans. Like a thief in the night the...
  9. The Most Radioactive Place on Earth and It's Just 130km From Ireland

    THERE is a lake so radioactive you will die if you just LOOK into it for a few hours - and it's 130km from Ireland. Below the surface lies material so unstable it will explode if the air gets at it. It is so toxic it pollutes the wind that blows over it. So lethal that seagulls must be shot if...
  10. Lying about the level of raidation in water dumped in ocean

    Japan: TEPCO to release 11,500 tons of nuclear radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean declaring the water to be dumped contains only low levels of radioactivity. In reality the water about to be dumped is highly radioactive as I point out below. Breaking from Kyodo News: TOKYO, April 4, Kyodo...
  11. VIDEO Radioactive Water To Be Dumped Into The Ocean!!!!!!

    So now they are not even bothering to try to store the radioactive water just dump it straight into the ocean !
  12. Fallout from Japan now rivals chernobyl | Very Scary Read

    Independent scientists are warning, contrary to statements from the talking heads on corporate media outlets who say Japan is not Chernobyl, the levels of radioactive material being released in from Japan’s nuclear fallout already rivals Chernobyl Levels. News of the high levels of radioactive...
  13. 7 Tons Of Radioactive Water an HourPosted: 04 Apr 2011 01:28

    TOKYO — Workers’ desperate struggle to plug a gush of highly contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, using sawdust, shredded newspaper and an absorbent powder, appeared to be failing early Monday as the radiation threat from the crippled plant continued to spread...
  14. [FUKUSHIMA] Radioactive water leaks from crippled Japan plant

    Link Removed due to 404 Error As Japan's prime minister visited tsunami-ravaged coastal areas for the first time Saturday, frustrated evacuees complained that the government has been too focused on the nuclear crisis that followed the massive wave. Nearly every day some new problem at...
  15. VIDEO Radioactive water is leaking into the sea from a 20-centimetre (8-inch) crack

    Radioactive water is leaking into the sea from a 20-centimetre (8-inch) crack in a containment pit at Japan's quake-hit Fukushima nuclear plant, its operator Tepco has said. The crack under reactor 2 may be the source of recent radiation in coastal waters, Tepco officials said. Tepco is...
  16. [JAPAN] Up to 1,000 bodies left untouched within Fukushima no-go zone

    The International Atomic Energy Agency weighed in on the simmering nuclear crisis with alarming radiation data, but the government said Thursday it has no plans for now to expand the current evacuation zone. The international nuclear watchdog said Wednesday in Geneva it detected about 2...
  17. VIDEO Radioactivity 10,000 times the limit found from groundwater - 3 Fukushima Nuclear Reactors leaking

    Radiation in seawater at new high Radiation 4,385 times higher than the legal standard has been detected in seawater at a location 330 meters south of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Tokyo Electric Power Company says 180 becquerels per cubic centimeter of radioactive iodine-131...
  18. Radiation levels soar in Japan sea water !

    Radiation levels in sea water near Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant have reached more than 3,000 times the legal limit, officials said, as efforts continue to bring the country's nuclear crisis under control. Japan's nuclear safety agency said on Wednesday that water near the crippled...
  19. Prime Minister: Japan On 'Maximum Alert' Over Nuclear Crisis

    Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his government remains in a "state of maximum alert" over the crisis at the earthquake- and tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant. Speaking to a parliament committee, Kan said today that the situation at the plant "continues to be unpredictable" and that the...
  20. What to do with all that radioactive water ?

    The, Japanese so far have no idea how to deal with all the highly radioactive water, used to cool the, reactors down . It is also feared that the water may have now got into the ocean and soil via tunnels under the reactors . If so every effort to cool the plant down is leading to higher and...