
  1. Microsoft Bounty Program expansion – .NET Core and ASP.NET RC2 Beta Bounty

    Today I have another exciting expansion of the Link Removed. Please visit Link Removed to find out more. As we approach release for .NET Core and ASP.NET, we would like to get even more feedback from the security research community. We are offering a bounty on the Link Removed which was...
  2. Microsoft® SQL Server® 2016 RC2 Report Builder

    Report Builder provides a productive report-authoring environment for IT professionals and power users. Link Removed
  3. N

    Windows 7 Copying Prohibited

    Hi there, I've been using the RC's for a few months now, loving it. But since installing RC2 I've run into a wall. I cannot watch live tv on my premium channels(in Canada, Movie Central most notably). Media Center plays for a few seconds, and then freezes, and displays a message that copying...
  4. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Questions

    Hello, I have just a few questions about Windows 7. I want to try it out, but I need the answers first. 1. I heard that you can download the RC1 from Microsoft on May 5. Will there ever be a RC2 or full version that is legal to download? 2. I have a Maxtor hard drive for the (I:) Is it...
  5. J

    Windows Vista Should I ditch XP completely and use Vista ?

    Greetings, I currently dual boot two os's installed on my PC....Windows XP Home Edition and Widnows Vista RC2 Build 5744, and lately I find myself using vista more and more.....should I just reformat my xp partion on my hdd and use vista as my current os? I just want opinions ! It doesen't...
  6. S

    Windows Vista Vista RC2 RC2 64 bit (installtion help)

    hey ppl.. got to admit this OS looks really smooth.. i have been messing around for a few days now.. but i noticed in My computer i have 2 sets of program files.. x86 and normal.. i take it the normal is x64.. same with IE i have normal version and x64 version.. also after installation it...
  7. D

    Windows Vista VPN doesn't seem to work

    Hi, I am trying to establish a vpn connection to my work, copied the exact settings as set in XP but it doesn't work. As the screen for configuring is slightly different I wonder wether there is a setting that is standard to vista but not to XP that I didn't find but needs changing. Or is it...
  8. S

    Windows Vista Vista Stalls upon Install

    Hi I have vista build 5744 RC2 and when i do a clean install or normal install on my pc it freezes up after i enter the serial number and hoes no further. My pc meets the required hardware specs. 3gig AMD 64bit 200gig SATA/IDE 1gig RAM 256 FX5500 PLease advice