
  1. Windows 7 Preorder Traversal of Binary Tree

    Hi everyone, I'm currently learning about binary tree traversals, and I'm having trouble understanding preorder traversal in binary tree. Can someone please explain it to me in a simple way? I understand that preorder traversal visits the root node first, followed by the left subtree, and then...
  2. M

    Windows 10 How to recursively remove all PRG and P00 file extensions? E.g. in batch

    Hello! I need to recursively to remove all extensions PRG and P00 on single partition. I know that recursively can work XCOPY, but renaming is other task. How to create batch to remove all these extensions of files and folders (if exist) recursively? Thank you for each help, suggestion or...
  3. Windows 8 Delete all thumbs.db from image folder(s)

    Hi, Anyone know a "cross-os" (i.e. will work for XP, Vista, 7, and 8) command-line command or .bat script to recursively check all folders for 'thumbs.db' and delete them all at once? Thanks in advance! -James A.