
  1. Windows 10 Bring on the next build.

    A confession. There is so little major difference, between Windows 8.1 and theTtechnet preview, that I have become rather disinterested in it. I am a dedicated and enthusiastic poster in discussion and help, where problems are encountered. Of late, on all the forums I visit, the posts on these...
  2. FIX: Windows Explorer may stop responding when you insert a recordable BD-R into the Blu-Ray drive o

  3. An application or service that uses Winsock API or Winsock Kernel API may randomly stop responding i

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  4. Computer stops responding after you connect to an SMB 1 server in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 200

    Fixes an issue in which a Windows 7-based or Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer stops responding after you connect to an SMB 1 server. Link Removed
  5. PowerPoint 2003 or PowerPoint 2007 stop responding when you try to print or send a fax on a computer

    Provides a workaround for a problem in Windows 7 in which Office PowerPoint 2007 stops responding when you try to print or send a fax. Link Removed
  6. 32-bit NetBIOS-based application stops responding in an x64-based version of Windows 7 or of Windows

    Fixes an issue in which a 32-bit application stops responding on a computer that is running an x64-based version of Windows 7 or of Windows Server 2008 R2. This issue occurs when the application uses the NetBIOS API. More...