# windows8 If you're afraid of, or just annoyed by, the concept of Windows 8's Metro (well formerly Metro, but whatever) UI style, there's a handy way around it. RetroUI is a program that will take users directly to the Classic desktop after login , and even lock Metro away completely. More*»...
Daunted by the missing start button in Windows ' latest operating system? A new software called RetroUI helps you bring back the classic user interface. Windows 8 computers running the tool will log directly into an old-school Windows desktop, complete with start menu and taskbar. Users can then...
Daunted by the missing start button in Windows' latest operating system? A new software called RetroUI helps you bring back the classic user interface.
Link Removed
Just read an interesting article explaining how to get rid of the Metro look completely !
Microsoft’s (Link Removed) new user interface in Windows 8 is apparently pretty scary. Early reviews of the new OS were overwhelmingly positive, but views soured as users grew frustrated with being forced...
classic shell
metro ui
operating system
start button
tech news
user experience
user interface
windows 7
windows 8