russia probe

  1. VIDEO Roger Stone invokes Fifth Amendment in Senate Russia probe

  2. VIDEO What the Russia probe has uncovered so far | Reality Check with John Avlon

  3. VIDEO Watch "Chris Cuomo and Corey Lewandowski spar over Russia probe" on YouTube

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  4. VIDEO Watch "Mitt Romney: Russia Probe Is 'Totally Appropriate' | Kasie DC | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  5. VIDEO Watch "GOP Anxious To Subvert Robert Mueller As Donald Trump Russia Probe Pushes On | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  6. VIDEO Watch "Michael Cohen’s Friend Hints At 'Missing Links' In Russia Probe | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  7. VIDEO Watch "Paul Manafort Appears To Choose Jail Over Helping Donald Trump Russia Probe | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  8. VIDEO Watch "Full Ryan Costello: Donald Trump’s Russia Probe Strategy Is 'Street Fighting' | MTP Daily | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  9. VIDEO Watch "Julian Assange Offers To Talk To House Russia Probe, Per Credico | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  10. VIDEO Watch "Mueller Circling Roger Stone With New Russia Probe Subpoena | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  11. VIDEO Watch "Jim Himes Slams GOP Russia Probe After Avenatti Revelations | The Last Word | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  12. VIDEO Robert Mueller Eyes Facebook In Russia Probe | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

  13. VIDEO Donald Trump Lawyers Worry He'd Perjure Himself In Russia Probe | The Last Word | MSNBC

  14. VIDEO Report: Some Donald Trump Lawyers Wanted Jared Kushner Out Over Russia Probe | The Last Word | MSNBC

  15. VIDEO Mike Pence Lawyers Up As Donald Trump Reportedly Obsesses Over Russia Probe | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

  16. VIDEO Rep. Devin Nunes Steps Aside From Russia Probe Amid Accusations Of Misconduct | MSNBC MSNBC
