
  1. S

    Windows 10 Safe to delete Apps.ppkg?

    The following's copied and pasted from Link Removed. ――――― 1. I must reduce HD disk space. How safe is deleting Apps.ppkg? Its size is 3.6 GB. I use Windows 10. I must double check because another program file usmt.ppkg MUST NOT be deleted. 2. I read this abstruse explanation of Apps.ppkg, but...
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    :iee: Maybe not try this at home ?
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    :eek: Some expletives !
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  18. O

    Windows 10 Is Windows Firewall enough?

    So I have been reading articles on windows firewall and most them say that the firewall is as good as any other antivirus. I don't download games on my PC, I only use it for work and a bit of streaming. Wanted to know if the firewall is enough or should I buy an antivirus?
  19. VIDEO Bridge In Italy Collapses Due To Engineering Mistake & Results In Casualties | Disasters Engineered

  20. J

    Windows 10 Changing from intergrated graphics to Dedicated ones

    What is the best easy way to swap between the intergrated graphics to the dedicated one and vice versa? I'm torn between a rock and hard place at the moment because my pc is used for gaming and music production. My daw (Cubase 10.5 pro) and previous version have always crashed for no reasons and...