sample data

  1. News

    Windows 7 Binding the Interface in Windows Store apps | Migrating apps from Windows Phone to Windows 8

    In the previous Quickstarts, we have introduced the app and looked at handling data requests and formatting. In this next video, we will look at binding that data to the interface. Binding and Windows 8 TemplatesData binding plays a central role in the Windows Store project templates available...
  2. News

    Windows 7 Inside Windows Phone #06: Panorama and Pivot are in the house! Woohoo!!

    Link Removed, Senior SDE for Silverlight mobile, introduces the official pano and pivot controls for Windows Phone. Yes, they do exist! These controls are in the RTM version of the Silverlight run-time. It comes with templates, design-time support, sample data, etc., so no extra downloads are...
  3. News

    Windows 7 Silverlight TV 45: Building a Bing Web and Image Search App for Windows Phone 7 Using Blend and Silv

    Want to build a Bing web and image search using Silverlight for Windows Phone 7? Kirupa Chinnathambi of the Expression team shows you just how to do that in this week's episode. Kirupa covers a lot of topics as he builds the app, including how to: wire up the app add the image templates use...
  4. News

    Windows 7 Silverlight TV 45: Building a Bing Web and Image Search App for Windows Phone 7 Using Blend and Silv

    Link RemovedWant to build a*Bing web and image search using Silverlight for Windows Phone 7? Kirupa Chinnathambi of the Expression team shows you just how to do that in this week's episode. Kirupa covers a lot of topics as he builds the app, including how to: wire up the app add the...