
  1. Windows 10 schtasks The task XML is malformed.

    Hello, I am trying to import a scheduled task from from the command line to the task scheduler. Before my program runs the schtasks command, it inserts a file path in the <Command></Command> element. The XML file works with schtasks before I insert my file path, but not afterwords. It keeps...
  2. E

    Windows 10 [SOLVED] Windows 10: schtasks job start, but does not work

    Hi, I'm new of this thread and I do not know if this is the right section of the forum. I'm under windows 10 1803 64 bit. I have two scripts (.cmd and .ps1) which execute the same operation. The scripts work well if I run them from cmd or powershell while they do not work if I use schtasks. In...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Cannot create task from schtasks that runs when user logged off

    I need to be able to use the schtasks command line utility to cteate a a task theat will run even when the user is not logged on. So far I have been unable to figure out away to do that. Any help would be appreciated. I have tried several combinations of /RU and /RP and /u and /p without...
  4. P

    Windows 7 Schedule ONE-TIME task with "schtasks" at next reboot?

    As you know users can setup a task to be run at startup with the built-in task scheduler "schtasks" with schtasks /sc ONSTART ... /TR ... However this command syntax triggers the task at EVERY BOOT time. How do I setup (from command line and not through GUI!!!) a ONE-TIME task? For simplicity...
  5. P

    Windows 7 Schtasks in windows 7

    Hi, i am tried to creat schtasks in windows 7 but the task is not popup at scheduled task time. command is: schtasks /create /tn prabhu /tr notepad.exe /sc once /sd 5/2/2011 /st 10:00:00 /ru prabhukumara /rp prabhu can anyone please help me, how to create schtasks in windows 7. the above...
  6. I

    Windows 7 Schtasks - Import XML

    I am making a program. I want to import XML file to schtasks.exe, I have to set the path of the program. Here's the part of XML code : <Exec> <Command>"C:\MyPath\program.exe"</Command> <Arguments>/copy</Arguments> </Exec> In my opinion, I have to set the path as variable, so...