In an era where accessibility is paramount, Microsoft has made substantial advancements in ensuring that everyone can navigate their products seamlessly. Specifically, the Start menu in Windows has undergone a transformation that accommodates users of screen readers, including Narrator, JAWS...
Today, I’m excited to share more information about the Windows 11 accessibility journey. Earlier this year, Microsoft announced its upped commitments and ambitions for accessibility. And, we recently introduced Windows 11. An early preview of Windows 11 is available to Windows Insiders today and...
In last year’s Windows 10 Anniversary Update, we introduced a new architecture for web accessibility, enabling a more accessible web with Microsoft Edge. With this dramatically improved foundation, we’ve been hard at work improving the experience even more in EdgeHTML 15 and the Windows 10...
assistive technology
bug fix
content accessibility
creators update
html lang
nimble interaction
performance improvement
ui automation
uia support
user experience
web accessibility
web patterns
web standards
windows 10
Link Removed is about making your app usable to the largest possible audience. For some apps, accessibility is required by law. For others, it’s part of the service you are offering to a specific audience and a way to make your app more generally appealing.
Choosing to incorporate accessibility...
Recently, we introduced Microsoft Edge’s new accessibility architecture, which inherently supports modern web standards, and provides a foundation to make the web platform more accessible than ever. To build a comprehensive ecosystem across all products and users of every ability, assistive...
accessibility api
accessibility testing
assistive technologies
developer tools
edgehtml 14
error handling
high contrast
keyboard accessibility
microsoft edge
semantic elements
ui automation
user experience
ux design
web development
web standards
windows 10