
  1. jepp6423

    Windows 10 Logfile:\ recovery\windowsre\winre.wim\system32\logfiles\srt\ srttrail.txt

    Hello, I encountered a problem with my computer, where the screen froze and then the system shut down and greeted me with an error code in the Logfile when I turned it back on. The Logfile was (Logfile: F:\ Recovery\ WindowsRE\ Winre.wim\ System32\ Logfiles\ Srt\SrtTrail.txt). I have not tried a...
  2. G

    Windows 7 Need some help with my BSOD

    I have compiled and put together a desktop this month. Everything works well until I got some blue screens. I get this when I do nothing, when I just listen to my music on itunes and when I'm using teamspeak or java. So I mostly suffer when my PC just stucks (I mean that I got screenfreeze and...