second amendment

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO What Trump has said about expanding gun background checks

    🇺🇸 :rolleyes:
  2. whoosh

    SATIRE Imagine It Was Hard To Get A Gun In The US

    🇺🇸 :p
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump Salutes NRA, Vows to Protect 2nd Amendment" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji45] [emoji379] Sent from my D6603 using Windows Forums mobile app
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO NRA Sues Florida Over New Gun Laws

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Donald Trump Is Coming For Your Guns

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Bill Nelson: AR-15 rifles are for killing, not for hunting

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO GOP donor: No money if no action on guns

  8. whoosh

    POLITICS Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

    He says he's retracting his endorsement of Donald Trump "We want Hillary Clinton to win," he said. "She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the...