site access

  1. T

    Windows 7 Windows Uverse issues

    I have had U-Verse (AT&T) for about one year now. Most of the time it has been trouble-free. However one problem I've was having is that, when the modem lost power for any length of time, when it came back I would get multiple AT&T connection errors when trying to surf. Over a period of a day...
  2. M

    Unannounced Downtime for Updates (February 22nd)

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Hello to all of our members and guests alike, Although we strive for 99.999% uptime, and while technically, our service is still working for a majority of visitors around the world, this afternoon required unannounced maintenance. The service level action involves...
  3. C

    Windows 7 General Failure pinging some sites

    Hi I am using Windows 7 with a router connected to the internet. On my main PC, which is connected to the router with a LAN cable, I have a couple of sites that I can not access. It gives me a Connection Reset in all browsers. The curious thing is that all the other computers, connected to...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Site Access and Search Problem

    Is all of the recent down time part of an intentional upgrade? I've noticed the last week or so access is pretty unpredictable. I also know a lot of sites had problems with java exploits about a week and a half ago and were forced to upgrade unexpectedly. This morning I noticed that search is...
  5. busydog

    Windows 7 Site Access Problems

    I have had to wait 30-60 seconds or more on occasion to access the site. Is anyone else having this problem? It just started two days ago.:confused:
  6. I

    Windows Vista Problem with IE

    I've installed twice and have the same issue. I can navigate to many pages using IE, but cannot connect to sites such as the default home page, google, or even myspace...just to name a few. Any help would be great :confused: also cannot navigate away from I DO have connectivity...