It happened to me, on a small screen, the task bar suddenly refused to hide.
But apps like Edge assume the task bar is hiding, so on full-screen use of apps, the taskbar hides some of the window you are working in.
I found a solution. There was an unread message in one of the hidden icons...
I bought a refurbished Link Removed to hook up to my TV to watch Netflix. It has 2.80GHz Intel Pentium D-820 processor, when I watch videos in small screen its OK but very slightly jerky but if I put it in full screen its horrible, very jerky and unpleasant to watch. I'm not very techy, I tried...
full screen
intel pentium
jerky video
media playback
performance issues
refurbished pc
software solutions
tech support
tv connection
user experience
video playback
video quality
After installing Windows 10 Insider Preview build 10122 in a clean upgrade from build 10074 I was finally able to use Tablet Mode on a small screened device, the HP Stream 7, and this is about that experience.
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