solid-state drives

  1. N

    Windows 10 Solid-State Drives

    Do's anybody on here use Solid-State Drives , instead of hard drives . I bought one a few years ago its a samsung model 500GD . It was pretty expensive when i bought it .
  2. Can data stored on an SSD be secured?

    Study finds the task to be very difficult; overwriting or crypto-erasure seem the best methods for sanitizing SSDs Until a university study emerged last week, few experts suspected that it's more difficult to erase data stored on solid-state drives (SSD) than that on hard disk drives (HDDs)...
  3. CES 2011: What's New in PC Components

    CES 2011: Whats New in PC Components - PCWorld Link Removed The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) isn't just all tablet, cameras, and laptops; there's plenty of news for the PC component geek, too, ranging from tiny flash drives that pack a lot of heat to the hand-held gaming console...