sorting issues

  1. D

    Windows 8 Windows Start Screen

    I have just bought a new computer with Windows 8.1 and I am confused and underwhelmed by 8.1. My main gripe is the totally uncontrollable start Screen. OK I can sort apps into groups and name the groups so that's a start. After getting apps into different groups I now set about sorting them...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Auto Sorting question

    I saw some people complain about auto sorting but noone really replied to it. Could someone tell me if there is any way to deactivate it, so that I can change the sequence I see my files/folders so that I am not restricted to name/date etc It's not something vital but it can get very annoying...
  3. zvit

    Windows 7 How to disable auto sorting of folders and files

    When your in folder, doing folder or file operations in Windows 7, the auto sort will always be on and this is VERY frustrating! In XP, while in a folder, nothing will auto sort until you refresh the folder view or reopen the folder. This means if you create a new folder or just downloaded a...