
  1. whoosh

    NEWS Russia Confirms Toxic Cloud Of "Extremely High" Radiation; Source Remains A Mystery

    One month after a mysterious radiation cloud was observed over Europe, whose source remained unknown last week speculation emerged that it may have been the result of a "nuclear accident" in Russia or Kazakhstan, on Tuesday Russian authorities on Tuesday confirmed the previous reports of a spike...
  2. N

    Windows 7 VLC Causing physical memory to spike dramatically

    This has been going on for about a week now, where my physical memory spikes from a solid 20-30% to 90-96% and just makes my laptop completely unusuable. I currently have 4GB of RAM, so I KNOW it's not an issue with lack of memory. I've investigated this to the point where's it's really starting...
  3. News

    SuperFetch(SysMain) service spikes the CPU for 1-2 minute when a 64-bit application is running in Wi

    When a 64-bit application compiled with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO option is running in the 64-bit versions of Windows Vista or in the 64-bit versions of Windows 7, the system may experience CPU spike for 1-2 minutes and this goes on in-definitely. In this... More...
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO 10,000,000 times normal radiation spike at Fukushima 'mistake' - officials.

  5. whoosh

    Radiation levels in seawater off Japan plant spike to all-time highs!

    Link Removed Tokyo (CNN) -- The levels of radiation in ocean waters off Japan's embattled Fukushima Daiichi plant continue to skyrocket, the nation's nuclear safety agency said Thursday, with no clear sense of what's causing the spike or how to stop it. The amount of radioactive iodine-131...