
  1. Compare COVID-19 Deaths per State using several sources:

    Heritage Foundation COVID-19 Death Rates by State Real Clear Politics Link Removed Johns Hopkins All State Comparison of Testing Efforts - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
  2. VIDEO States Being Forced To Smuggle Medical Equipment So Feds Can't Steal It

    :usa: :insanity:
  3. VIDEO John King breaks down which states are bending the Covid-19 curve

    :usa: *-)
  4. VIDEO President Trump Botches Pandemic Response, Shifts Coronavirus Testing To The States

    :usa: :rolleyes:
  5. VIDEO States Start MANDATING Quarantine

    :usa: :zoned:
  6. VIDEO U.S. Coronavirus Cases Top 13,000 As Trump Tells States To Do More | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

    :usa: :eek:
  7. VIDEO 16 States Sue Over Trump's "National Emergency"

  8. VIDEO Most Gerrymandered State Has To Redraw Its Map

  9. VIDEO FCC Now Being Sued by 17 States, Senate Will Vote to Undo Net Neutrality Repeal

  10. VIDEO Republicans DECREASING Minimum Wage in Many States

  11. VIDEO 44 States Refuse Trump's Voter Data Request

  12. VIDEO Trump Making It Harder For States To Prepare For Natural Disasters

  13. Budget Needs Let Fireworks Fly Lawfully

    Only 4 states continue a ban on fireworks. The other states bring in a lot of revenue. Read Full Story:
  14. Radiation Detected in 13 US States !

    Radiation from Japan’s damaged nuclear power plant has been detected in a growing number of states. Yet government officials keep telling the American public they shouldn’t be worried. From The Christian Science Monitor’s Mark Clayton yesterday: Elevated yet still very low levels of radiation...
  15. Windows 7 E2E: Concurrent Programming with Revisions

    Building applications that are responsive and can exploit parallel hardware poses an important challenge. In particular, enabling applications to execute various tasks in parallel can be difficult if those tasks exhibit read and write conflicts. Revisions are forked and joined much like...
  16. A

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Stateside Themes

    There are 36 Stateside Themes. I will add the rest as time permits. All packs are in 1024x768 resolution, which work great for 1440x900 and under. Each state contains no less than 6 wallpapers. To install them, just download the zip and extract them to a place of your choosing. Next, click...