In the world of tech giants, Microsoft’s place as a behemoth remains undeniable, and the latest moves by institutional investors, such as Tarbox Family Office Inc., further underscore the bullish sentiment around this trillion-dollar software titan. Recently, Tarbox Family Office Inc. raised its...
In a surprising turn of events, the AI company’s stock skyrocketed by 51% in November 2024, following the announcement of a groundbreaking collaboration with Microsoft. While surges like these aren’t unheard of in the tech sector, this specific development opens up significant questions...
In what can only be described as a meteorological phenomenon in the stock market universe,'s stock (symbol: AI) took off like a rocket, climbing more than 24% during yesterday's trading session. The jet fuel propelling this surge? A newly expanded partnership with none other than tech...
In a stunning move that sent the stock market buzzing, C3 AI’s shares skyrocketed by a remarkable 24% on a Tuesday following the announcement of an expanded partnership with Microsoft. This collaboration aims to turbocharge the adoption of C3 AI’s enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) software...
In a twist that could signify stormy weather ahead, Microsoft’s stock took a hit, dropping over 2% following reports of a potential regulatory investigation into its thriving cloud business. This comes amidst a broader sentiment decline among retail investors, painting a less rosy picture for...
Microsoft recently revealed its strong performance in the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, delivering better-than-expected results on both revenue and earnings. Yet, despite this promising news, analysts predict a turbulent road ahead for the company’s stock, primarily influenced by the...
Some members may find this interesting, I am currently creating a free course on the topic of stock trading for beginners, using an AI video creation platform.
Been trading for over 2 years and have researched, written, and produced the video myself.