
  1. M

    Java equals() selection

    In Java, if I try to do.equals() on a null string, a null pointer error is issued. I’m wondering whether I can perform the following if I’m attempting to compare if a string is equal to a constant string: MY CONSTANT STRING.equals(aStringVariable) I’m sure it’ll work, but is this simply...
  2. M

    Android Python string find() examples

    I'm looking for examples, but I'm not finding any. Are there any examples on the internet? I'd like to know what it returns when it can't find something, as well as how to specify the starting and ending points, which I assume will be 0, -1. >>> x = "Hello World" >>> x.find('World') 6 >>>...
  3. PowerShell Syntax Question

    I just took a quiz that asked what type of parameter <String> is. Could you tell me if it is a mandatory parameter? For some reason I was thinking <String> would be defined as a value, not a parameter. Syntax Get-EventLog [-LogName] <String> [[-InstanceId] <Int64[]>] [-After <DateTime>]...
  4. P

    Windows 10 Copy lines of text between two files, Using list / string matches.

    After searching everywhere I'm still unable to find a solution. I have two text documents, one is a list of names the other is coordinates. both documents start each line with an 8 digit code. I want to lookup 8 digit line code from File1 and copy the line contents to only code matches in File2...
  5. VIDEO Fps Silly String

  6. VIDEO Take A Longer Length Of String

  7. VIDEO Invisible String

  8. Windows 7 Microsoft .NET framework error

    I have a new install and keep getting this error: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Conversion from string "<br/>...