student rights

  1. VIDEO FBI Caught Spying on Student, Demands GPS Tracker Back

    20 year old Santa Clara college student and American citizen Yasir Afifi found an FBI tracking device under his car. He showed the device to his roommates who posted a picture of the device online asking if it meant "the FBI is after us"? Two days later, Afifi - who is half-Egyptian - got a...
  2. Woman Denied Sole Valedictorian Status Because of Race, Lawsuit Says [VIDEO]

    A black Arkansas teen who graduated top of her class is suing her high school for racial discrimination after the principal decided to name a white student with a lower GPA as co-valedictorian. Read Full Story: Student Sues School After Barred From Being Sole Valedictorian - ABC News
  3. Online Activism Aims to Stop School Spankings

    Can social media make a real difference for a cause? It's a challenge taken on by Marc Ecko and his Unlimited Justice, a campaign to fight corporal punishment in U.S. schools. More than just an isolated campaign, it's an example of how the Internet is changing modern activism. Online...