
  1. VIDEO Obama Calls for CDC 'SWAT' Team for Ebola Virus

    :eek: :andwhat:
  2. VIDEO LIVE: stand-off between police and demonstrators in Ferguson

    :zoned: Streamed live on 13 Aug 2014 SWAT teams descend on protesters after fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson. Four SWAT vehicles have been deployed to the protest site today Wednesday as the authorities bolster police presence on the ground.
  3. Utah man updated Facebook status during standoff

    SALT LAKE CITY – Jason Valdez is no stranger to Utah police. His latest brush with the law, however, may have been the most public. He posted on Facebook as SWAT was outside. Someone even posted about a SWAT officer in the bushes. Read Full Story: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  4. Butt-dialing mistake sends SWAT team to Winnetka school

    Man sits on phone; wife calls out SWAT team Link Removed January 04, 2011 Worried wife calls police after she thinks her husband is being held hostage In a spectacular misunderstanding sparked by an accidental cell phone call, a worried wife caused SWAT teams to swarm the Winnetka school...