
  1. ussnorway

    Windows 10 how to fix SWTOR

    issue = the latest update busted the game repair = open the config file and fix their spelling mistake credit to ruffolofi for finding it and may the force be with you!
  2. R

    Windows 7 BSOD 3D Gaming

    Hello, I am experiencing BSOD during 3D gaming (Battlefield 3, SWTOR, etc) after about 5 minutes of game play. I initially thought it was a RAM issue but have been unable to confirm. I've attached my SF Diagnostic folder. Please advise. Background: Recently replaced defective motherboard (AMD)...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Random BSODs 1e, 3b, 3d, 7e

    Hello everyone! So, over the past couple months I've been fighting some BSODs that I can't quite figure out how to track down. They occur randomly and I can't figure out what to do in order to recreate these occurrences. I can be doing anything from playing SWTOR or any other game, to browsing...
  4. P

    Windows 7 BSOD Multiple times a day.

    The computer BSOD multiple times a day and even more frequently when playing SWTOR. I'll attach the stuff I was told. If I'm missing anything please tell me and I'll get it done ASAP for you guys. Thank you.