symbolic links

  1. J

    No shortcuts appear in Navigation pane of Windows 10 like it did in older versions of Windows. - Solved!

    Symbolic link not showing up in Navigation Pane of Windows 10. Instead of using Quick Access. How to get show up there?
  2. Symlinks in Windows 10!

    Overview Symlinks, or symbolic links, are “virtual” files or folders which reference a physical file or folder located elsewhere, and are an important feature built in to many operating systems, including Linux and Windows. The Windows’ NTFS file system has supported symlinks since Windows...
  3. E

    Windows 8 Cannot create symbolic link even as a member of Administrators

    Even though I am a member of the Administrators group, when I try to create a symbolic link I get the message: "You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation." In Windows7 I am also a member of Administrators and have no problem creating symbolic links. Does anybody have any...
  4. Windows 7 How to create a 'smart view' with symbolic links

    I haven't done any programming for a long time, and virtually haven't done any Windows scripting since the days of MS-DOS. For my digital audio needs I am planning to separate my music collection into 3 folder trees: - lossless albums - lossy albums inclusive - lossy albums exclusive. The...
  5. Windows 7 Using Junctions (symlinks or Symbolic Links) to protect your save files

    Have you ever lost ALL of your saved game data because something terrible happened? Well, recently, we have seen advancements solving this problem with the likes of Steam Cloud. Steam Cloud allows gamers, who are increasingly using Steam Powered games, to automatically store their saves online...
  6. M

    Windows 7 Symbolic links not showing in explorer

    Running Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit. Two disks in computer (lenovo laptop) second disk (D) is dynamic. We create symlinks using mlink. We create links on D:\. An example is: mklink /D "S:\DriverAPI.Duplex" "%GBROOT%\DriverAPI\Duplex\bin\main\debug" and mklink /D "T:\DriverAPI.JTalk"...