
  1. VIDEO Twitter staff say layoffs have started after Elon Musk takeover - BBC News

  2. VIDEO Elon Musk completes $44bn Twitter takeover – BBC News

  3. VIDEO Elon Musk's £37bn Twitter takeover 'on hold'

  4. VIDEO The Republican Takeover Of America Is Almost Complete – The Court System Is Next

  5. VIDEO Red Bull SoundClash – Dubioza Kolektiv & S.A.R.S. - Takeover Round

  6. Windows 8 Chrome hacked

    Chrome was hacked and use to take over windows.....here's the whole story. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57573064-83/researchers-win-$100000-for-chrome-hack-that-leaves-windows-vulnerable/