
  1. VIDEO Watch "Erin Burnett: Trump looking for excuses to avoid Mueller" on YouTube

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  2. VIDEO Watch "BREAKING: Trump-Russia Probe Expanding" on YouTube

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  3. VIDEO Watch "WaPo: Trump pushed Postmaster General to double Amazon’s rates" on YouTube

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  4. VIDEO Watch "Trump Responds To Santa Fe School Shooting" on YouTube

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  5. VIDEO Watch "Questions surround Trump Jr.’s mysterious phone call" on YouTube

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  6. VIDEO Watch "Pruitt asked for 24/7 security immediately, despite claims" on YouTube

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  7. VIDEO Watch "Fareed: Trump’s only possible Iran strategy is a fantasy" on YouTube

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  8. VIDEO Watch "Lawmaker regards John Kelly's comments as racism" on YouTube

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  9. VIDEO Watch "Snowflake Trump Threatens Press Credentials In Twitter Tantrum" on YouTube

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  10. VIDEO Watch "Trump to announce U.S. will withdraw from Iran deal" on YouTube

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  11. VIDEO Watch "Rudy Giuliani Screws Up AGAIN During Interview, Implicates Trump In More Crimes" on YouTube

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  12. VIDEO Watch "DOJ Gets Wise To GOP Effort To Tip Off President Trump On Mueller Probe | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  13. VIDEO Watch "Giuliani Tries To Recover On Fox And Friends, Fails" on YouTube

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  14. VIDEO Watch "Paul Ryan Suggests He’s Been Covering Up Crimes By American Banks" on YouTube

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  15. L

    Windows 10 Laptop very slow boot up

    So, i posted once about this a while back. But jow i am returning to it. So it took 23 monutes to boot 2 days ago. Hp pavilion (updated drivers) 1tb 5400 rpm drive 12gb ram Amd quad core cpu Win 10 (originally 8.1 came on it) I ran a procmon with boot log enabled. Once it booted, it is so far...
  16. VIDEO Watch "Republican Party Spent $225,000 At Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Last Month" on YouTube

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  17. VIDEO Watch "WAPO: Rudy Giuliani Met With Robert Mueller To Talk Donald Trump Interview | The 11th Hour | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  18. VIDEO Watch "Cohen pleads the 5th in Stormy Daniels case" on YouTube

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  19. VIDEO Watch "Trump’s Consumer Protection Chief Admits He Only Meets With People Who Give Him Money" on YouTube

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  20. VIDEO Watch "The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: Don't Take That Medal" on YouTube

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