technical info

  1. MS16-138 - Important: Security Update for Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk Driver (3199647) -...

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.0 (November 8, 2016): Bulletin published. Summary: The Windows Virtual Hard Disk Driver improperly handles user access to certain files. An attacker can manipulate files in locations not intended to be available to the user by exploiting this...
  2. Windows 7 BSOD after restart installing RTD

    So I'm trying to install Win 7 RTD on a couple of laptops, and having similar problems. For one, (13" Asus with a C2D SATA HDD) it installs okay, does the expanding files just fine. but when it does it's first restart, when it's doing the cool windows 7 startup screen, it BSOD's and instantly...