
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Jared Kushner And Family Hit With MASSIVE Lawsuit From Former Tenants They Harassed" on YouTube

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  2. whoosh

    VIDEO The Beleaguered Tenants of "Kushnerville": Jared Kushner Accused of Slumlord Practices in Baltimore

  3. whoosh

    POLITICS Surge in evictions as poorest tenants are hit by new benefit cap

    The number of tenants evicted by their landlords is at a record high, new figures from the Ministry of Justice reveal, with experts blaming the spike in repossessions on benefit cuts and the growing trend of “revenge evictions”. More than 11,000 tenants were evicted in just three months between...
  4. cybercore

    Landlord visits house to collect rent, finds house has gone

    A Malaysian landlord received a rather unpleasant surprise when he went to collect rent from some tenants and found his property had disappeared. All that remained of Zuria Ali's house, which he had inherited from his parents, were 24 concrete pillar holders, a smashed TV and pieces of...