
  1. dustymars

    If the Asteroid Had Missed

    Neat Op-ed by Newt Gingrich: "If the Asteroid Had Missed," If the Asteroid Had Missed - Newt Gingrich Wow, that is interesting. Never crossed my mind, but it would be an interesting study to see what types of life forms would survive such creatures as those roaming around in those times...
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Michio Kaku: "Quantum World Just Collapsed And Something TERRIFYING Is Happening"

  3. whoosh

    ART Considering Alternate Realities

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO What Would Happen if a Black Hole Entered Our Solar System?

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Are there Undiscovered Elements Beyond The Periodic Table?

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO SHOCKED EVERYONE! The Big Bang May Have NEVER Happened.

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO What If a Grain Of Sand Hits The Earth At 99% The Speed Of Light

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Researchers Prove The Universe Has An End

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Was the Big Bang a WHITE hole?

  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Is the Big Bang Hidden in Gravitational Waves?

  11. whoosh

    VIDEO White Holes Exist | The Secret Ingredient in Dark Matter

  12. whoosh

    VIDEO What's the Real Meaning of Quantum Mechanics? - with Jim Baggott

  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Scientists Just Discovered a Major “Hole” in the Standard Model of Particle Physics

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Two theories for an unsolved Soviet mystery

  15. whoosh

    VIDEO What If The Sun Disappeared?

  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Cooper slams 'sick' alt-right conspiracy theories

  17. whoosh

    VIDEO GOP Conspiracy Theories, Attacks On FBI Continue | Morning Joe | MSNBC

  18. whoosh

    VIDEO Ancient Aliens: The Mercury Connection (S11, E4) | History

  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Puma Punku: Ancient Alien Technology From 12,000 Years Ago?

    :zoned: :shocked:
  20. whoosh

    VIDEO ZOMG, Siberian Mystery Hole Theories! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)

    :eek: :shocked: