town hall

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Marco Rubio Gets Loudly Booed By Teenagers During Town Hall

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    VIDEO Woman With Stage 4 Cancer Thrown Out Of Town Hall After Asking Republican About Healthcare

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    VIDEO Texas GOP Rep gets evicerated at town hall

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    VIDEO Angry Protesters Storm Kensington Town Hall Riot

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    VIDEO Mayor Removes Trump's Portrait From Town Hall

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    VIDEO Throwback Thursday: Republican Has Total Meltdown At Town Hall After Lying About Obamacare

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    POLITICS ‘Nobody’s got to use the Internet’: GOP’s Sensenbrenner calls Internet optional

    As Republican lawmakers continue to defend their decision to vote to roll back a set of broadband privacy rules that would have required internet service providers to ask for permission before collecting user data, the Federal Communications Commission is readying more drastic changes to the...
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Constituent confronts Collins: Why are you here when you won’t hold a town hall in your district

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Bernie DESTROYS Trump Voters at Town Hall, They Don't Even Realize It

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    VIDEO "YOUR LAST TERM!" Chanted At Iowa Senator Town Hall By Angry Crowd

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    VIDEO Woman With Dying Husband Unloads On Tom Cotton At Town Hall Meeting
