
  1. Windows 11 Max network copy throughput of under 250mbps on a 1gbps network - why so slow?

    Hello. I am copying from my NAS to my PC in Windows 11 and can see that I only get slightly more than 113mbps throughput. What is also confusing is that performance graph shows max throughput of 250Mbps when I am bound to a 1Gbps network? The NAS is a Synology DS216SE with a gigabit port, and...
  2. B

    Windows 10 Problemas com Windows Update Versão 1809

    Dia 28/01/2019 instalei um novo Update do Windows, troquei meu modem e minha internet, uma VDSL de 40mb e um modem TPLink, por uma de fibra ótica de 100mb e um modem HUAWEI HG8245Q2. Ficou ótimo, aumentou bem a estabilidade e velocidade e alcance só que..., não consigo mais atualizar meu...
  3. C

    Windows 7 Network Problem: disconnected from time to time

    Hi there, I've been using Windows 7 since November 2009. Till now I encounter a very annoying problem: My wireless connection disconnected automatically from time to time, and it cannot be reconnected again. If I click reconnect, a dialog with "Troubleshooting this network problem" shows, but...
  4. Windows 7 network file copy Win7 > Vista - Dies

    I'm trying to copy DVD's and other large files from one win7 pc where I process and them over to my vista based mediacentre box. I have a Win7 box (source) and a Vista SP2 box (dest). I also have a QNAP TS-209 NAS box on the same network (which is gigabit). Source has a Realtelk PCIe GBE...