trustworthy computing

  1. Update to Security Advisory 2416728

    Hi everyone - We've just updated Link Removed due to 404 Error as we've begun to see limited attacks with the ASP.NET vulnerability. We have added questions and answers and encourage customers to review this information and evaluate it for their environment. We have also added additional...
  2. Out of Band Release to Address Microsoft Security Advisory 2416728

    Hello - Today we provided Link Removed due to 404 Error to customers that we will release an out-of-band security update to address the vulnerability discussed in Security Advisory Link Removed due to 404 Error. The update is scheduled for release tomorrow, Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at...
  3. Microsoft Releases MS10-070 to all distribution channels

    Hi everyone - Today we released out-of-band Link Removed due to 404 Errorthrough the remainder of our standard distribution channels, including Windows Update and Windows Server Update Services. We have completed our testing of these channels and confirmed the update can be successfully...
  4. Windows 7 may be secure, but are Windows users safe?

    Windows 7 may be secure, but are Windows users safe? Windows 7 users got a nice surprise on Tuesday when Microsoft released its first set of security patches since unveiling the new operating system last month. Of the 15 bugs patched, none affected Windows 7. When Microsoft launched Windows...