unknown file

  1. L

    Windows 7 Strange File Name: ^.~

    I've found a file with the file name "^.~" (as in file name "^" and file extension "~") in my Win7 C: root directory. It's just my luck that searching for this in any search engine brings up no results, so I can't get an answer that way. From what I can tell, the file wasn't already there when...
  2. A

    Windows 7 office 2003 icons

    Hey Folks quick background, windows 7 64 bit My desktop icons for any of my office documents, mainly so far word and excel show up as like a unknown file icon. They load up fine in word or whatever the file is, just its annoying that work docs dont have the word doc logo and so on. The...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Icons on top of Icons?

    I have 5 app icons on my desktop that have the "unknown file" icon on top of them, try as i might i cannot get them to go back to normal. i'll post a jpeg as an attachment so you can see. Also, can you tell me how to post a screen shot directly into my posts? thnks in advance dorf on windows