us politics

  1. VIDEO Paul Ryan Insists 22 Million Will Choose To Not Buy Health Insurance

  2. VIDEO Supreme Court Giving Trump's Muslim Ban Temporary Trial Run

  3. VIDEO Kellyanne Conway Swears The Republican Healthcare Bill Doesn’t Cut Medicaid

  4. VIDEO Bernie Sanders On Health Care Bill: Thousands Will Die | MSNBC

  5. VIDEO Jeff Sessions Asked Congress For Authority To Arrest Medical Marijuana Distributors

  6. VIDEO Bernie Sanders DESTROYS Trump & His Lackey for Their Lies and Hypocrisy

  7. VIDEO Jeff Sessions's Rolling Snowball Of Lies Keeps Growing

  8. VIDEO Bernie Sanders GOES OFF On Mick Mulvaney

  9. VIDEO Trump Defends His Intel Leak, Only After He Promised He Never Did It

  10. VIDEO Voters Confront Senator About ‘Medicare For All’ and REFUSE to Back Down

  11. VIDEO Fleet Donald Trump Sent To Korea Not Actually There | All In | MSNBC

  12. VIDEO Mitch McConnell Says Trump Can Bomb Whoever He Wants Without Congressional Approval

  13. VIDEO Mike Pence Casts Tie-Breaking Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood The Young Turks

  14. NEWS Donald Trump could still not become president

    It’s still theoretically possible for Donald Trump not to become president. But the near-impossibility all depends on the electoral college and the strange US system. Donald Trump might have won the election by getting more of the votes in the electoral college than Hillary Clinton did. But...
  15. VIDEO Trump Proposes US-Russia Alliance Against ISIS That Has Existed for a Year

  16. VIDEO How the Republican Party went from Lincoln to Trump

  17. VIDEO Democrats & Republicans: History of Political Parties in the US | Laughing Historically
