usb adaptor

  1. C

    Windows 10 Issues with windows after BSOD

    I had a BSOD yesterday , caused by ntfs.sys , the harddrives were checked by HD sentinel and are in excellent condition, I am using windows 10 pro , upgraded from win 8.1 pro on intel i5 3450 based pc . During first reboot, windows performed an auto disk check . When i booted into windows...
  2. Windows 8.1 Recovering Windows Live Mail files from a hard drive

    My Windows 7 computer died (motherboard dead) although I have the hard drive which I have connected to my new Windows 8 64 bit computer via a USB adaptor. I used Windows Live Mail and I need to recover a large number of stored emails and contact details from the USB drive and can't figure out...
  3. E

    Windows 7 slow connection with usb adaptor

    hey i have the netgear wireless adaptor wpn111. all drivers are up to date and stuff. my signal strength is always 6-7/8 bubbles, and i still only connect at 54mbps. even though the box sasy that it runs at 108mbps. anything i can do to speed it up? also i read to connect it to usb in the back...