
  1. VIDEO Why It Actually Took 50 Years to Make COVID mRNA Vaccines

  2. VIDEO NATIONWIDE search for person with Brazilian Covid-19 variant - Vaccines minister appeals for help

    :headache: :eek:
  3. NEWS Homeopaths sent to deadly Ebola hotspot to treat victims with ARSENIC and SNAKE VENOM

    Team spent days in remote Liberian hospital to prove that remedies work They planned to treat victims with 'rattlesnake venom' and 'Spanish Fly' Boasted of the 'unique opportunity' presented by deadly Ebola outbreak Claimed they would treat all European victims after proving success Ebola...
  4. NEWS Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola 'invention?'

    NaturalNews) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control owns a patent on a particular strain of Ebola known as "EboBun." It's patent No. CA2741523A1 and it was awarded in 2010. You can view it here. (Thanks to Natural News readers who found this and brought it to our attention.) Patent applicants are...
  5. NEWS Ebola ‘may have reached turning point’

    The Ebola epidemic in west Africa may have reached a turning point, according to the director of the Wellcome Trust, which is funding an unprecedented series of fast-tracked trials of vaccines and drugs against the disease. Writing in the Guardian, Dr Jeremy Farrar says that although there are...