video preview

  1. VIDEO Animated Christmas Tree for Windows desktop

    Hello all, This year I'm glad to introduce a new Animated Christmas Trees for Desktop and other Christmas gadgets. Raise up a Christmas mood! Video preview: Home page: (50 Christmas trees and other Christmas gadgets) Click on image to download the tree...
  2. I

    Windows 7 How to preview the clip instead of having to open the file???

    I just wanted to see if there were a way to view all video's without having to actually open the file. For example, once you click on a video file, to the right a window pops up automatically and you can play the video without having to open the file. Some clips allow me to preview the video's...
  3. VIDEO Skype for Windows 8 released Friday

    A new Blog on the Skype website goes into some detail concerning the app for Windows 8: Read the full version here: Skype - The Big Blog - Welcome Skype for Windows 8: It's Fast, Easy and Beautiful
  4. VIDEO Big Surprise at

    In an exciting move, we have published an early video preview of Windows 8 Build 6.2.7989.0.amd64fre.winmain.110421-1825 on the YouTube Channel. So substantial is this preview, cross-posting it here to may be worth it: View the video here: Check out the...
  5. Silverlight Developers Rally Against Windows 8

    aesoteric writes "A legion of Silverlight developers have threatened revolt after Microsoft made no mention of Silverlight or .Net in the vendor's brief video preview for its upcoming Windows 8 operating system. Developers expressed fears Microsoft might let their investment in skills "die on...
  6. Windows 8 - Sneak Peek : The Future of PC

    This is how the next generation Windows operating system will look like -- Windows 8 flaunts a re-imagined interface for a new generation of touch-centric devices. Described by Microsoft as ' Fast, fluid and dynamic ', the follow-up to the current Windows 7 keeps the power, flexibility and...
  7. Screenshots of Windows 8

    Microsoft gave a video preview of Windows 8 today. Here are some screen shots clipped from the video Microsoft posted on YouTube introducing Windows 8. Source: Yahoo! News
  8. Watch: Sneak Peek of Oprah in Australia

    Watch: Sneak Peek of Oprah in Australia Link Removed This Tuesday, we'll all get to see the the first of four episodes (airing Jan. 18-21) chronicling Oprah Winfrey's recent visit to Australia, the much-hyped excursion she made in December with hundreds of her U.S. fans, ages 18 to...