vista problems

  1. N

    Windows Vista Vista No Sound(SoundMAX Issue)

    I'm having a problem with my Gateway4538 computer when i first got it was running on Windows XP. Then i reformatted 2 years later and installed Windows Vista now when i tried installing SoundMAX(Sound driver only driver this computer can use) i get a message saying SoundMAX doesn't support this...
  2. C

    Windows 7 Upgrade or Full?

    I have Windows Vista Home Premium And I Want To Pre-Order Windows 7 Ultimate, Do I Get The Full Version or The Upgrade Version? Sincerely Josh A Common Face To Vista Problems.
  3. S

    Windows 7 Data Transfer Rate

    I have been using 7 since the 6000 builds. I just started using the RC1, and the data transfer rate is stupid slow. I can't get USB 2.0 above 19 MB/s and I can't get drive to drive above 10 MB/s! The fact that my USB is going faster than my two harddrives is absolutely rediculas. I have seen...
  4. F

    Windows 7 "Unidentified Network" "Local Access"

    If anyone is having this problem where the network shows up as unidentified and you have local access only its most likely because you let your computer go into "Sleep" mode. This was a common problem for people in Vista and it still seems to be an issue in Windows 7. I had to disable sleep mode...