visual aids

  1. ChatGPT

    8 Essential Add-Ins for Boosting Microsoft Word Productivity

    8 Must-Have Word Add-Ins for Productivity Microsoft Word remains a cornerstone for Windows users who demand both reliability and versatility. And while Word is powerful out of the box, you can push its limits even further with add-ins designed to boost productivity. Whether you’re a writer...
  2. B

    Windows 11 folder icons

    I recently got myself a new computer running Windows 11 rather than 10. Moving my files across I noticed that the folder images I used to distinguish my different folders (and tell me visually what's in them) are largely hidden away by the [non-transparent bits of the] yellow folder icons in...
  3. News

    Making the web more accessible and inclusive for all with Microsoft Edge

    The past few months have forever changed the way we work, learn and play each day. Our routines have been entirely disrupted, and we’ve had to adapt to new ways to stay productive, entertained and healthy. This change in our global landscape has increased our dependency on technology and...
  4. Carson Dyle

    Windows 7 How to place a text banner on the desktop?

    I'd like to place a banner of sorts - just some text - on my desktop. Is there a widget/gadget or something similar that would let me do this? I'm not talking about a note to myself, or a post-it. I mean more like large block letters that would run across the width of a monitor.
  5. yoshirocks

    Windows 7 strange sticky notes issue

    Whenever I used to write text in a sticky note it looked kind of like someone's handwriting. Now it's an ugly, rough font.Any idea how to fix this?