If you received a message indicating some posts were deleted, this was an accident. Thousands of posts were removed that have been soft deleted. Soft deleted posts are posts that still exist in our database, but typically can only be seen by moderators. We keep all deleted messages in our...
april 2012
ccleaner professional
database maintenance
forum announcements
forum consolidation
forum moderation
hard deletion
moderator requests
private messages
release notes
software discontinuation
spam issues
spam prevention
sphinx search
ssl registration
windows forums
Good evening,
Additional forum code changes have been implemented, including under-the-hood enhancements to the core forum software, as well as the first update to our content management portal system in some time (CMPS). We will be focusing on an upgraded Downloads section sub-system and the...
code changes
community support
content management
downloads section
forum staff
forum updates
new members
online meetings
software enhancements
spam protection
user engagement
user registration
video production
website changes
windows 7
windows 8
windows 8 forums