
  1. VIDEO Ukraine Under Attack: 16,000 foreigners volunteer to fight for Ukraine against Russia | English News

  2. VIDEO Americans Volunteer To Join Ukraine Fight

  3. VIDEO Trump Campaign Approved Meeting With Russians, Indicted Adviser Claims

    George Papadopoulos, the indicted volunteer foreign policy adviser from the Trump campaign, has told investigators that the meeting he set up with Russians during the 2016 campaign was approved by members of the Trump campaign. Emails obtained by investigators back up these claims. Meanwhile...
  4. NEWS Computer Buff ?

    When you say that someone is a movie buff what you mean is that the individual is very enthusiastic about movies. Similarly, a computer buff is someone who is very enthusiastic about computers. And right now, thanks to the World Cup, we have cricket buffs turning into couch potatoes. But do you...
  5. Please welcome ussnorway to the WindowsForum.com Team

    Today is another landmark day in the history of the forums! I am pleased to announce, and for a very long time coming, our newest moderator, @ussnorway. Whilst we have recently been inundated with moderator actions and all sorts of requests, due to the situation at hand with the imminent...
  6. NEWS Ebola diary: where is everybody?

    There are many dreadful things about the Ebola outbreak, but the worst is the world's indifference to it. few months ago I read a blog of an MSF volunteer who found himself shouting over the beautiful jungled canopy of Sierra Leone “Where is everybody”? Today, four months after the World Health...
  7. NEWS Ebola vaccine 'promising' say scientists after human trial

    The first human trial of an experimental vaccine against Ebola suggests that it is safe and may help the immune system to combat the virus. Twenty volunteers were immunised in the United States. Scientists at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) described the results as "promising". The...
  8. NEWS Government accused of failing to provide emergency care for British ebola volunteers

    NHS workers in Sierra Leone told they will not be guaranteed repatriation if they fall sick - despite lack of life-saving equipment in Freetown British medics who have volunteered to fight the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone have accused the Government of failing to offer them proper emergency...
  9. Welcome zigzag3143, Sonny, nmsuk, and Elmer!

    Please give a warm welcome to the new members of the Windows 7 Forums Team. These four individuals have volunteered their time to assist the website during this great time of change and transition. We are happy to have them aboard. Over the next coming weeks, their performance will be evaluated...
  10. Japan nuclear crisis:Kamikaze Pensioners seek work at Fukushima

    A group of more than 200 Japanese pensioners is volunteering to tackle the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima power station. The "Skilled Veterans Corps", as they call themselves, is made up of retired engineers and other professionals, all over the age of sixty. One of the group, Yasuteru...
  11. VIDEO Why Volunteer for a One-Way Mission to Mars?

    Why Volunteer for a One-Way Mission to Mars? If NASA put out the word that it was looking for volunteers to suit up for the first manned mission to Mars, the line outside Cape Canaveral might stretch from there to the moon. But what if they said it was a nine-month trip on a cramped...
  12. V

    Windows Vista Request for Vista Beta Testers

    hField Technologies is looking for Beta Testers for it's new Wi-Fire USB Long Range WiFi adapter for Windows Vista. The beta trial will begin in late July. Volunteers will receive a beta unit for testing and evaluation, which will be returned to hField Technologies at the end of the test...