
  1. ART Seeking Comfort

  2. VIDEO Blackpool's cost of living crisis: "People are on the brink of poverty" | Behind The Story

  3. VIDEO Former PM 'seeing poverty I did not expect to see again' as he warns people will go hungry and

  4. VIDEO One and a half million people may be pushed into 'destitution' due to cost of living crisis| 5 News

  5. VIDEO Trump administration considering cutting food stamps

    🇺🇸 :shocked:
  6. VIDEO Trump Admin Tells Govt Workers To “Do Chores For Landlords” To Pay Rent During Shutdown

  7. VIDEO Republicans Are Coming After Your Social Security & Medicare

  8. VIDEO Trump Wants To Replace Food Stamps With Food Boxes

  9. VIDEO Jeff Sessions Bringing Back Debtors' Prisons

  10. VIDEO Trump WILL Cut Social Security, Medicare, And Medicaid

  11. VIDEO Trump Administration Cuts Aide For Homeless Veterans

  12. VIDEO Trump Wants To Cut Aide To American Children To Pay For Tax Cuts For The Wealthy

  13. VIDEO House Republicans Pass Budget With $1.5 Trillion In Tax Cuts, Massive Cuts To Safety Net Programs

  14. VIDEO WH Dismisses Single-Payer Health Care Proposal

  15. VIDEO Republicans Are Lying About Food Stamp Recipients. Their Poor-Shaming Has To Stop.

  16. VIDEO 'Protecting Medicaid' Is Republican For 'Cutting Medicaid'

  17. VIDEO Trump’s Proposed Budget Will Decimate Entitlement Programs For The Needy

    :usa: :eek:
  18. VIDEO Trump’s Backdoor Attempt To De-Fund Social Security

  19. VIDEO Republican Lawmaker Uses Bible Quote To Say That Unemployed Don’t Deserve To Eat

  20. Mother washed baby with bleach, authorities say

    On Aug. 31, 2008, Sarasota Sheriff's deputies were called to the Osprey Inn hotel, where Freeman first stayed after moving here, to find Freeman drunk and one child with swelling and knots on her head and another child with choke marks on his neck, according to a sheriff's report. Read Full...