windows 10 pro

  1. C

    Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro trying to map drive > failing on authentication

    I am the admin on both systems. I have logged into both using my MSFT account. The Pro system is on the same Workgroup (MSHOME) as the Home system. Home is Wired, Pro has been wired and also trying Wifi (no difference). I noticed the Pro system does not show under the Explorer Network...
  2. T

    WINDOWS 10 Pro 22H2 - accidentally changed admin account to user account

    Hopefully someone can help or confirm that a reinstall is the only solution In addition to my user accounts, I created a specialist admin account with elevated rights I don't know how I did it but I accidentally removed the elevated rights from my administrative account so now it is a user...
  3. M

    Windows 10 Issues with corrupt files and apps crashing, Windows store missing. No video player

    I have followed just about everything possible. I attempted a reset and it could not perform it. I have tried just about everything from powershell to commands straight to reinstallation of windows (Where it keeps failing to do so) If theres anyone who could help me that would be great. I cant...
  4. Peter H Williams

    Windows 10 Unmountable boot volume

    I have seen other references but typically with older Windows. This is Windows 10 Pro which has just been delivered to me on a (new to me but refurbed ) PC. Athlon CPU, 8gb memory, 250 ssd and 500 gb hdd. I have been trying to create a functional PC for about 2.5 days. When I got the PC I...