windows ime

  1. S

    Windows 8 Japanese file names inside archives getting garbled

    Just upgraded to Windows 8 and I'm having an issue I never had in Windows 7. Whenever somebody sends me an archive (.zip, .rar, etc.) that contains file names that are in Japanese, they always appear garbled (文字化け). 1. I am using Outlook 2010 2. This happens through both WinRAR and Windows'...
  2. B

    Windows 7 Support Japanese language in Windows 7 lite

    Hi, I've downloaded and installed Windows 7 RTM lite. Every thing is OK, but my Windows 7 doesn't support Japanese, Chinese and Korean language. When I open file or visit website that have that language, they can display. I also want to type Japanese in this lite version, but I cann;t find the...