windows partition

  1. J

    Windows 10 Hard drive issue

    Hi everyone, I'm having a similar issue , when my HP all in one pavillion model 23-p108a tries to boot the screen goes blue with the crash code stating that hard drive is not mountable , so i tried to test the hardware which tested all , memory and hardrive and everything else and it was all...
  2. P

    Windows 7 How to apply a *.reg script into the Registry of a dead/not running Win7 system? Read possible?

    The scenario is as follows: A Win7 system has some problems and could NOT be booted itself. So I took an additional bootable repair or LiveSystem CD and start the computer with it. I have now a running WinOS and another dead Win7 e,g, on a partition C: on a hard disc. Now I want to...
  3. W

    Windows 7 free space in c: not real free space

    hi, i have big problem if i right click on partition windows and see free disk space see free 8 m.b but if i show all hide file and hideing system files and select all file in Partition C and right click properties see totoal space 38 Gigabyte and size partition windows is 49 gigia meaning it...